The City of Rancho Mirage mourns Sally Berger

Sally Berger | Photo provided by City of Rancho Mirage

The City of Rancho Mirage has issued the following press release:

December 30, 1933 - July 25, 2022

On July 25, 2022, the Coachella Valley lost beloved philanthropist and Rancho Mirage resident, Sally Berger. She passed away at Eisenhower Health campus. She was 88.

Wherever she went, she left her indelible mark. Sally and her husband, Miles, devoted their lives to supporting the community, Eisenhower Health in particular. She accomplished remarkable things and spent a considerable amount of time making the world a better place.

Described by those in the community as a mentor, loyal friend, powerhouse, force of nature, it's obvious we will all feel the loss of such a beloved and selfless pillar of our community.

Click here to read obituary in Chicago Tribune.

"The greatest legacy anyone can leave behind is to positively impact the lives of others. Whenever you add value to other people's lives, you are unknowingly leaving footprints on the sands of time that live on, even after you're gone."

~Emeasoba George