City Of Coachella

City Of Coachella

Governments | City/Village/Town Governments

Recent News About City Of Coachella

  • Cooling center opens at Coachella Senior Center for summer relief

    The Senior Center in Coachella has been designated as a Cooling Center for the summer season. Residents and visitors are encouraged to visit the center to rest, cool off, and hydrate during warm weather. The facility is open from Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 3:30 pm.

  • Grant opportunity available for independent restaurants in California

    Independent restaurant owners in central and southern California may be eligible for a grant of up to $5,000 to assist with operating expenses.

  • Coachella Library to host 'Working Coachella' photo exhibit through August

    The Coachella Library is set to host a unique photo exhibition, "Working Coachella: Images of the farmworker community in the Coachella Valley", opening on Saturday, May 18th at 10 AM. The exhibition will be held at 1500 Sixth Street, Room B-3, in Old Town Coachella.

  • 10 million grant awarded for Community Resilience Center in Coachella

    The California Strategic Growth Council has granted the City of Coachella a $10 million Community Resilience Center (CRC) Implementation Grant. The funds will be used to convert an existing facility, previously known as Hidden Harvest on Peter Rabbit Lane, into the new Coachella Community Resilience Center. The CRC is envisioned as a multi-purpose hub that will serve as an emergency shelter, food and business incubator, garden space, resource center, and workforce training and development center.

  • Connecting Coachella Community Workshop and Survey

    Coachella residents are invited to participate in shaping the future of walking and biking in the city through the Connecting Coachella project. The initiative aims to gather public opinions on the project's development.According to a statement released by the project coordinators, individuals are encouraged to engage in the process by attending a Community Workshop scheduled for Monday, May 6th at 5pm. The workshop will be held at the Coachella Library and aims to provide a platform for residents to share their thoughts on the project implementation, particularly...

  • Community Survey Launched for Rancho Las Flores Park Expansion

    Residents of the local community are being invited to participate in a survey aimed at gathering opinions on the expansion of Rancho Las Flores Park. The initiative, launched on Mar 12, 2024, seeks to engage the public in determining how funding for the park's expansion should be prioritized.The survey can be accessed by scanning a QR code, as indicated in the announcement which states: "Scan the QR code below to share your thoughts on how to prioritize funding for expansion of Rancho Las Flores Park." For Spanish speakers, the message reads: "Escanee el código QR a...

  • FEMA Announces Financial Assistance for California Disaster Relief

    The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has issued a public notice regarding its intent to provide financial assistance to the State of California, local and Indian tribal governments, and private nonprofit organizations under major disaster declaration FEMA-4750-DR-CA. This assistance is being offered through the Public Assistance (PA) and Hazard Mitigation Grant (HMGP) programs, which are authorized under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act.The major disaster declaration for the State of...

  • Women's Summit Coming to Coachella!

    Coachella is gearing up to host a Women's Summit in celebration of Women's History Month. The event promises to be a platform for empowering women and highlighting their achievements. The summit, scheduled to take place soon, will feature a lineup of influential speakers who will share their insights and experiences. While the details of the speaker lineup are yet to be announced, attendees can expect to be inspired by a diverse range of voices. To pre-register for the Women's Summit, interested individuals can simply scan the attached QR code. This will ensure a...