Some [board members] are more equal than others

Some [board members] are more equal than others
Photo provided by Kenny Snell

John Glenn Middle School, of the Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD), received an award from the California League of Schools “as being a 2022 School to Watch Redesignation VI”, according to Superintendent Scott Bailey’s Twitter. The school had to apply and host visits to obtain this honor, so a sincere congratulations on your accomplishment JGMS.

What is interesting though, are the DSUSD Trustees, emulating “the elites” and flaunting that they are above their own rules, when it comes to masking.

It appears that this picture is from the Monterey Marriott, according to this CLS announcement on the awards ceremony, and pictures from the Monterey Marriott. Monterey County has always been rather strict on the mask rules, encouraging businesses to report violations to law enforcement and that need not provide service to the maskless.

The board members of the DSUSD and the Superintendent get to decide when it is appropriate to not wear a mask, but force kids and staff to wear them for hours on end, against all available science. As if that isn’t bad enough, district staff then post this picture to the schools social media— are they actually trolling students and parents with this in-your-face “rules for thee, but not for me” attitude? Your child could be sent home or suspended or kicked out of school entirely, for making these same decisions. These acts are not new.

Where is the Teachers Union? What is their stance on this breach of mask etiquette, this very dangerous behavior that is putting lives at risk? Nowhere to be found.

That was not the reaction of the Union when a similar situation happened with a conservative board member in May of 2020. The Union went full on CNN with their virtual signaling and called their membership to harass board member Gary Tomak when he asked for a maskless picture.

We have seen this countless times with rule-maker elites, like Fauci, Biden, Gavin Newsom, and little tyrants of progressive cities from Oregon to New York. Those that support those elites, like the legacy media or the unions, will turn themselves into human-logic pretzels to defend the “elites” and their weak excuses—”I wasn’t exhaling”, “I was dancing to music”, “I took a picture and a drink of water”, ad nauseum.

Granted, the CDPH mask guidance changed a bit a few days before the board members took this latest picture, and then tortured their staff and students by posting it onto the school’s social media , however there is still universal masking in high risk areas. Six people from different households standing in close proximity may be high risk. Or is social distancing not a thing anymore? These people are still telling your kids not to hug and masking them all day long!

Where is the similar Union outrage? Mask guidance in the schools are still in effect…until the air magically changes on March 11, 2022. I thought they said they expected their board members to set an example in the community. Is that just certain board members? Are some board members more equal than others?

What exactly is the algorithm to determine if you are elite enough to make your own masking decisions? I sure did not make the cut, did you?

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