Election candidate Brian Hawkins to provide solutions for illegal immigration

Arlene Wohlgemuth | Provided

Likely the most important office in law enforcement that affects those of us in the Coachella Valley is the office of sheriff. I have been especially impressed with the commonsense approach that I’ve seen in Sheriff Chad Bianco. Working in concert with a no-nonsense district attorney that we have in Mike Hestrin, we have the most dedicated and conscientious team that can be expected.

However, they are dealing with the worst possible set of circumstances one can imagine - most caused by the open border policies of this Democrat administration. We all know the problems, but lest we forget. Drugs? The United States has experienced record-breaking deaths from drug overdose, especially from fentanyl being imported by the ever more powerful drug cartels across the open southern border. By March of last year, the District Attorney’s office announced that ten kilos had been seized. More comes into our communities every week. Human trafficking? So bad that an anti-trafficking task force had to be formed by Sheriff Bianco and District Attorney Hestrin “to address crimes involving the exploitation of victims via force, fraud, or coercion in the eastern half of the Coachella Valley.” The victims are forced into lives such as slave labor and commercial sex trafficking of women and children. Gangs? Once again, a task force had to be formed to deal with the out-of-control, violent gangs coming in from our open southern border.

Crime is not the only problem the people of our area suffer due to an open southern border. How about the economy? In the 1960s, Caesar Chavez marched to the California/Mexico border to lead the fight against illegal immigration because he knew it drove down wages for farm workers. What was true then is still true today.  

What is the solution? There most assuredly is one. Close the southern border to illegal immigration. But that is the last thing our current congressman is willing to do. Congressman Ruiz is running for re-election in the newly drawn Congressional District 25 and has a record of doing nothing to stop the crime, human trafficking and drugs coming into our area. He does not support building a wall. He does not support enforcing existing immigration laws to stop the flow of gangs, known criminals, and known terrorists. Instead, he is aligned with those who are providing housing, cash, transportation, and benefits to those coming in illegally.  

It's time for a change, and Brian Hawkins will provide that much needed change. He cares about what is best for the people he will represent and for our communities, just as he has demonstrated as a pastor and city councilman in San Jacinto. Pastor Hawkins has experienced rough times, has risen above them, and has brought the determination of that overcoming life experience to his campaign.  Endorsed by the California GOP, numerous elected officials including District Attorney Mike Hestrin and Sheriff Chad Bianco, and the East Valley Republican Women Patriots, Brian Hawkins is our best chance for making the change in Washington that we all long for.

Arlene Wohlgemuth is the vice-president for Legislation at the East Valley Republican Women Patriots. Wohlgemuth was a 5-term Texas state representative and is a 6-year resident of Indio.