Coachella Valley Economic Partnership hosts Morning Insights on May 10

Coachella Valley Economic Partnership hosts Morning Insights on May 10
forum | by Luis Quintero

Morning Insights

May 10|8:00 am - 9:30 am|FREE

A Forum for Entrepreneurs and Innovators

This free event is an idea exchange, designed to take your concept, program, or product to the next level.  Each month’s eye-opening Raw Truth presentation gives a jumping off point for your conversations, and ample time is built in for networking.

Who should attend?

  • Innovators and entrepreneurs; aspiring entrepreneurs. You may have questions or stumbling blocks with your new or early-stage business.
  • Angel investors, experienced businesspeople and advisors from any industry. You may be looking for ways to get involved with startup companies and your community.

  • 8:00 a.m. Networking, coffee, and continental breakfast
  • 8:30 a.m. Guest speaker: Dr. Ezekiel Bonillas, The Raw Truth of… Coachella Valley Entrepreneurship
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