Eisenhower Drive road diet study session set for July 16

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Mayor Linda Evans | City of La Quinta

The City is reviewing options to reduce speed, provide bicycle connections, and increase safety on Eisenhower Drive south of Calle Sinaloa. One option under consideration is to reduce Eisenhower Drive south of Calle Sinaloa to one drive lane in each direction. This adjustment would allow for the inclusion of a striped buffered bike lane adjacent to the existing parking lane in each direction.

This proposal aims to enable adjacent side street intersections to cross one drive lane in each direction instead of two, allowing vehicles to encroach further into the roadway after yielding to pedestrians and bicycles. This change would help determine when it is safe to enter Eisenhower Drive. Additionally, there will be an extra buffer from the drive lane for vehicles to park. The proposed option will resemble the striping between Calle Sinaloa and Calle Tampico.

Residents are encouraged to provide input or feedback at the upcoming City Council meeting scheduled for July 16.

Tuesday, July 16

4:00 PM

City Hall - 78495 Calle Tampico

City Council Chambers