Illegal pet trade threatens wildlife; how you can help

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Allen Monroe CEO and President of The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens | Official Website

The illegal pet trade poses a significant threat to wildlife by disrupting ecosystems and endangering species. High global demand for exotic pets fuels the illicit capture and trade of millions of animals.

Engaging with social media posts featuring exotic pets can inadvertently popularize and increase demand for wild animal interactions. Limiting engagement with such posts can help reduce their reach and potential profits.

Before sharing content, it is advisable to check the credentials of the page to avoid unintentionally promoting inappropriate ownership of wild animals. Cleaning up social media follows by unfollowing, unsubscribing, and reporting suspicious content is also recommended. Instead, following institutions accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums or legitimate rescue organizations can make a positive impact.

For more information on responsible online behavior regarding wildlife, individuals are encouraged to learn about the Not A Pet campaign and become an #AnimalAlly online.
