Your Feedback, Input Needed

Your Feedback, Input Needed
Input Needed on LCAP Survey | Palm Springs Unified School District

As we head toward spring, it is the time of the year when we are preparing our annual Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), and we ask for your help. The input and feedback we receive is extremely valuable as we develop our plan with the goal of improving our quality learning environment for all of our District students. As we did for the past few years, we have established a “ThoughtExchange,” to provide the opportunity and space to share your ideas in the areas of college and career readiness, learning supports for all student groups, providing physically and emotionally safe learning environments and maintaining positive relationships between students, families and staff. 


Through this ThoughtExchange, we invite you to add your thoughts as well as rate the thoughts of others. You can return to it as many times as you would like to add new ideas and rate new thoughts from other participants. The exchange is confidential. While your thoughts are shared with other participants, your identity is not shared. We ask that you be polite and respectful in sharing and rating thoughts. Thoughts with rude or inappropriate language will be removed. You do not need to rate all thoughts in the exchange. It would be recommended and appreciated if you would rate around 30 thoughts over the time the exchange is open. The ThoughtExchange will remain open until Friday, March 10.


We would also like you to take just a few minutes to answer just nine questions on our LCAP Community Feedback survey that will help us as we write our next LCAP. If you would like to learn more about our LCAP and provide verbal input and feedback, we invite you to attend one of two virtual community meetings via Zoom on Feb. 13 or Feb. 26 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. The Zoom link for either meeting is 


Thank you so much for taking the time to provide your crucial input as we proceed through our LCAP process. Your contributions mean a great deal to our Board of Education, administration, staff and, most importantly, our students. 

Original source can be found here