Palm Springs Unified School District announces LCAP Public Hearing

Palm Springs Unified School District announces LCAP Public Hearing
LCAP Public Hearing |

BOE to Vote on 2023-24 LCAP on June 27, 2023

California’s 2013-14 Budget Act included landmark legislation that greatly simplified the state’s school finance system.  The changes introduced by the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) represent a major shift in how California funds local educational agencies (LEAs). Under LCFF, California funds school districts, charter schools, and county offices of education equally per student with adjustments made based on grade levels and demographic characteristics. LCFF replaces complexity in the favor of equity, transparency, and continuous improvement.

A component of LCFF is the creation of the district specific strategic plan called the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). Each LCAP must outline goals, actions, and services to support eight state priorities with special attention to increase singer improving services for low-income, English learner, and foster youth students.

The Board of Education for the Palm Springs Unified School District will vote on the revised 3-year LCAP for the 2023-24 school year on Tuesday, June 27th, following written input from community educational partners (including parents, teachers, students, business representatives, and residents).

To review the 2023-24 revised 3-year LCAP, please see the attachments in English and Spanish below.



CVC LCAP English

CVC LCAP Spanish

If you have any questions or comments concerning the LCAP, please contact Dr. Jim Feffer, Director of State and Federal Programs at 760-883-2703, or by email at

Alternatively you can submit your comments using the following form: 


CVC LCAP Input Form

Original source can be found here.