Rep. Calvert urges Biden administration to resume weapon transfers to Israel

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Congressman Ken Calvert, District 41 | Official U.S. House headshot

Congressman Ken Calvert (CA-41) has issued a statement in response to the Biden Administration's decision to halt weapons transfers to Israel. He has called on the President to release the weapons as Israel initiates a ground offensive in Rafah.

In his statement, Calvert said, "Hamas could have ended this war months ago by releasing all the hostages and turning themselves over to the Israeli Defense Forces. Unfortunately, they made the choice to continue the conflict and force Israel to do what it must: end the threat of Hamas by hunting down terrorists in their last stronghold in Rafah."

He expressed frustration at Defense Secretary Austin's confirmation that the Biden Administration is holding up the transfer of 3,500 bombs and now reviewing further transfer of JDAM kits. These kits would bring precision to the fight in Rafah and help minimize civilian casualties.

Calvert noted that while it is being reported that this shipment is distinct from the recent supplemental appropriations bill passed by Congress, it is clear that an overwhelming majority of Congress supports Israel’s mission to clear Rafah of Hamas.

He concluded his statement with a call for action: "It is time to stop trying to appease terrorists and send the necessary weapons to Israel so they can end this war."