Coachella advances Site #2 for further analysis in rail station feasibility study

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Brandon Marley President/CEO of Greater Coachella Valley Chamber | Greater Coachella Valley Chamber

The City of Coachella is moving forward with plans to enhance regional transportation by advancing Site #2 in the historic downtown Pueblo Viejo area for further evaluation as part of the Coachella Rail Station Feasibility Study. This decision follows a detailed assessment of three potential sites, incorporating feedback from a Technical Advisory Committee and community input gathered through a survey and public workshop held in November 2024.

The feasibility study aims to assess a potential location for a new rail station while developing land use and connectivity plans to boost community investment, accessibility, and mobility in Coachella and the surrounding region.

The proposed rail station would mark the end of the Coachella Valley Rail (CV Rail) Project route. The Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC), along with the Federal Railroad Administration and Caltrans, is leading this project to establish daily intercity passenger rail service from Los Angeles through Orange County, Riverside, and into the Coachella Valley.

“Advancing Site #2 in our historic downtown for the next phase of the study is a major milestone in expanding transportation options and economic opportunities for our community,” said Development Services Director Gabriel Perez. “This study is laying the groundwork for a future rail station that would increase our residents’ access to jobs, education, and entertainment options while supporting Coachella’s long-term economic growth and strengthening the connections between the Coachella Valley and the greater Southern California region.”

The information gathered from this study will inform final site selection during the formal Tier 2/Project-Level environmental review process for the CV Rail Project. The next stage will focus on envisioning transit-oriented development and designing conceptual station models.

For more details about the Coachella Rail Station Study, visit

Coachella was incorporated in 1946 as a 29-square mile municipality with approximately 41,941 residents located in eastern Riverside County within Southern California's Coachella Valley. It lies about 97 miles north of Mexico's border and roughly two hours from Los Angeles. More information can be found at