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Palm Springs Unified School District hosts FREE Self-Care and Wellness Fair on May 20

Attention staff, students, families and community members! All invited to our FREE Self-Care and Wellness Fair on May 20 from 1 to 4 p.m.


California Indian Nations College announces Summer Class 2023 Registration

Classes are filling fast! Enroll today! Deadline to enroll for Summer is May 31st! Summer Classes start June 12th


University of California, Riverside hosts Yoga Clinic Series: Yoga Therapy on May 13

Join certified Yoga Therapist, Sara, during this 4-week Yoga Therapy clinic that focuses on pain and stress relief, from neck to knees.


University of California, Riverside announces Breaking the heat barrier of computer innovation

As our computers and other electronic devices become faster and more powerful, they are coming closer to an undeniable physical limitation: heat generated by the electrons that carry information as they move through semiconductors.


University of California, Riverside announces Earth’s first animals had particular taste in real estate

Even without body parts that allowed for movement, new research shows — for the first time — that some of Earth’s earliest animals managed to be picky about where they lived.


Palm Springs Unified School District hosts Monthly LPAC (Latin Parent Advisory Council) Meeting - Virtual (Registration Required) on May 11

Palm Springs Unified School District hosts Monthly LPAC (Latin Parent Advisory Council) Meeting - Virtual (Registration Required) on May 11 at 6:00 PM


University of California, Riverside announces Stepped-up U.S. military aid doesn't equal U.S.-Russia war

Images that circulated recently depict drones blowing up over Red Square in Moscow. As part of its response, a Russian official said, “decisions about such actions and such terrorist acts are made not in Kyiv, but in Washington,” leading many to ask what the Russian retaliation will look like.


University of California, Riverside hosts Tomás Rivera Conference 2023 on May 9

University of California, Riverside hosts Tomás Rivera Conference 2023 on May at 4pm


University of California, Riverside announces AI programs consume large volumes of scarce water

Every time you run a ChatGPT artificial intelligence query, you use up a little bit of an increasingly scarce resource: fresh water.


University of California, Riverside announces Australian fossil goldmine opens permanently

Land where a UC Riverside paleontology professor unearthed whole communities of Earth’s oldest animals is opening today to the public as a new national park in the Australian Outback.


Palm Springs Unified School District announces district wide activities in reducing stigma related to mental health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Join us in reducing stigma related to mental health by participating in district wide activities!


Coachella Valley Unified School District hosts Governing Board Meeting-regular Meeting on May 11

Coachella Valley Unified School District hosts Governing Board Meeting-regular Meeting on May 11 at 5:30 PM


Palm Springs Unified School District hosts Family Fun Wednesday/Miércoles de diversión familiar on May 10

Palm Springs Unified School District hosts Family Fun Wednesday/Miércoles de diversión familiar on May 10 at 1:30 PM


New research sheds light on how healthy neurons metabolize glucose, offering clues to neurodegenerative diseases: 'We have a much better understanding of the basic fuel that makes neurons run'

New research by Gladstone Institutes and UC San Francisco reveals how neurons metabolize glucose, challenging previous beliefs. Neurons can take up and process glucose themselves, relying on glycolysis for normal functioning. These findings have implications for understanding neurodegenerative diseases.