Opinion News on Coachella Valley Times

Opinion News


OPINION: California homeowners at risk as major homeowner insurance companies flee the state

The exodus of major homeowner's insurance companies from California has left countless residents in a precarious position, grappling with the daunting task of securing coverage.


OPINION: Unintended Consequences: How new rent laws in California hurt small landlords and tenants

California lawmakers keep making the same mistakes when it comes to rental housing. Their new "renters’ rights" laws, aimed at helping tenants, are actually just another headache for landlords. While the stated intention may be to protect tenants and stabilize housing costs, these laws are burdening small-scale landlords and threatening the very foundation of property rights.

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Boys & Girls Club of Coachella Valley making a difference in young lives

It is safe to say that the Coachella Valley’s vast eastside agriculture regions represent the highest number of underprivileged children from low-income families.


Time to protect the children

Many years ago, I agreed with Ronald Reagan’s famous quote – “The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.”


Boys & Girls Clubs of Coachella Valley celebrate successful Grand Auction 2023

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Coachella Valley (BGCCV) is all about bringing a brighter future to the mostly low-income children that walk through the doors of its four busy clubhouses in La Quinta, Indio, Coachella, and Mecca.


With the COVID emergency over, the Legislature should limit governor’s emergency powers

If only one word could be used to describe how California reacted to the virus, it would be the word “erratic.”


Harsher penalties are needed to combat the fentanyl crisis and save lives

It is hard to count all the worries parents face today. There are the standard worries every generation brings — dating, driving, grades, etc. But there is a new threat.


A battle worth fighting

Our state legislature and governor are increasingly pulling power from the local level to the state.


No on Prop 1

83% of Californians polled disagree with late term abortion. It is our duty to express our decision by voting, and I will vote NO on PROP 1.


Election candidate Brian Hawkins to provide solutions for illegal immigration

Likely the most important office in law enforcement that affects those of us in the Coachella Valley is the office of sheriff.


Some [board members] are more equal than others

John Glenn Middle School, of the Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD), received an award from the California League of Schools “as being a 2022 School to Watch Redesignation VI”, according to Superintendent Scott Bailey’s Twitter.